
There are 21 things on my to-do list. That’s a busy day off. And I’ve found a book I really want to read. So instead of wanting to complete all my tasks ready for our house-warming, I just want to lay on the sofa and read. Maybe I’ll do half a job on some of the tasks so I can cwtch up with my book later. Right, off to tick things off the list. Ciao!

I love my mum very much. I love my step mum very much. I appreciate my mother in law and step mum in law. I’m glad I have my grandmother and godmother in my life. I don’t begrudge buying Mother’s Day presents for them because they all deserve them.

But I hate Mother’s Day. It’s a crappy reminder that I’m not a mother and everyone else is. Mother’s Day turns me in to a selfish, grumpy, spiteful witch. But nobody sees that except you guys and maybe Hubby. I’ve become a good actress over the years.

The only thing that will turn this around is my little goddaughter/niece calling my name later when she calls in. I’ll wait for that today.


This month, we will legally complete on our house and start our fertility treatment. We’ve worked towards this point for the last five years and suddenly it’s here. It’s happening.


It’s exchange day. I’m wide awake at 530am. Like I need to do something. Not that I can now do anything to affect what time we actually exchange today. I just need to know that the deposit is paid and no one in the chain is going to pull out or let us down. I want it to be now. I wonder if the solicitor would open early and get the exchange done so that I can go back to sleep like a calm, normal person…!


Our house move in numbers…

3 sleeps until we transfer the money.
5 sleeps until we legally exchange.
12 sleeps until we legally complete.
13 sleeps until we move in.
16 boxes already packed.
5 bags already filled.
1 trip to the tip taken.
2 bags of bottles ready to be recycled.
4 people in charge of finding us boxes.
6 cups ready for tea on moving day.
2 glasses waiting with…
1 bottle of champagne for…
2 new homeowners on…
2nd March.

So ready for this new adventure.


In life, you experience lots of firsts: first love, first kiss, first house, first loss, amongst many. You take for granted your own firsts, at least I did/do. You fleetingly appreciate the moment and then it’s gone.

For me, other people’s firsts can be just as important, especially a child’s and those of a child who is important to you.

Today, our goddaughter pulled herself up from the floor into a standing position against our couch. Her little face was a picture. She’d never succeeded before despite trying, and yet, we witnessed it. I don’t think I’ll ever forget her pleased face.

Our nephew’s first breath and cry; our niece’s first bottle of milk (one that she guzzled and didn’t want to end); our nephew wearing his first rugby top (a huge thing for a Welsh rugby family even if he never actually plays for Wales- even though he will, I’m sure)- these are just a few of the firsts I’ve witnessed. Some of them won’t matter in years to come. Baby Girl T will take billions more steps; Baby Boy T has breathed and cried a whole lot since; Baby D has drank many a bottle since; and Baby M will wear his Welsh shirt hundreds more times (especially if he really does play for Wales!). The fact that I witnessed the first will perhaps not seem significant to many. But it is to me.


Despite the fact that all is going well financially and house wise, I’m a little on edge. I think it’s more excitement than stress though. I want March first to be here now!

I know I’m holding my jaw too tense and I’m not sure whether that’s the reason I’ve had a headache for the past two weeks or whether my tense jaw is a result of the headaches.

It should actually be called faceache. Starting at the side of my nose and spreading through my cheek and eye, the pain sits annoyingly above my left eyebrow. Every day. All day. I wake up with it and go to sleep with it and have to deal with it off and on in between.

It could be stress related. It could be my teeth grinding. It could be my glasses. Or it could just be the longest migraine of my life. Whatever the cause, I wish it would go away because it’s spoiling my moving house buzz.


Sometimes, the only answer is a book and a cuppa in bed. Gotta love an ‘early night’. ❤


I’m being a good TTC/IUI candidate. I’m eating well. I’m drinking lots of water. I’m taking my folic acid everyday.

The big question is… Does it make me a bad potential mother if I take my folic acid tablet with Disaronno?

My name is Michelle and I am an addict. Mmmmm Disaronno… 🙂


I don’t know whether its the never ending cold weather or the fact that I’m no longer newly thirty (and am getting old) which is making me constantly tired. I wake up begrudgingly and set the alarm to snooze more than normal; I’m yawning when I’m leaving work by 530pm; and I’m frequently in bed for the night by 9pm. Only to start the tiredness cycle all over again.

I am eating healthy, getting as much sleep as possible and taking my vitamins but nothing improves it. It could be my body burning more energy to keep warm in this snowy weather, but it’s not that cold, is it? I thought that only happened in places as cold as the Antarctic!

Roll on Springtime!